A Thousand Words | Dear Diary
Dear Diary! 19.03.17 Dear Diary! I don't know how I am managing to write today. Writing in a moving vehicle has always been a nauseating experience for me. The roads are bumpy, making it difficult to concentrate; but today I have to make an exception. Today I move to the city of my dreams. The road that leads to it is smooth as silk, yet I find it difficult to scribble down my thoughts; my pen still shakes in my hands. I blame it on the overwhelming excitement of finally making it... 23.04.17 Dear Diary! I am sorry that I have been away for so long. Things have just been crazy after the move. It took me some time to settle down, and then the dust took its own time to do the same. The apartment is nice though I have to share it with a few roommates. Budget is tight of course. Good things don't come cheap. A country boy like me has to adjust to the glamours and glitters of the city, and alongside, with the rates. Sometimes I do miss the country rates of produce an...