A Picture's Worth | Theft


Sadaat: “A meadow? What’s a meadow?”
Saahir: “What’s a meadow? You say. Hmm! How do I describe it? Well, for starters, meadows are the most beautiful places on earth. All of them. But the one I’m taking you to is the king of all meadows.”
Sadaat: “But what is it that makes it a meadow? What will I see there? Are there mountains? Rivers? Rainbows?”
Saahir: “Yes! All of it. Can you see what’s at the end of this path?”
Sadaat: “Yes”
Saahir: “No you don’t. I bet you don’t see the secret entrance to the meadow.”
Sadaat: “Wow, secret entrance? Like in Ben-10?”
Saahir: “Exactly like Ben-10, but this one is even better. Because it’s real. And once you locate it, and speak the password, trees start carving a new path, just for you. And they stand tall and high on either side of the path, casting the coolest shadows you have ever seen. At the end of the path is an open field, covered with emerald green grass, as tall as your knees, and a soft breeze is always blowing, brushing those greens gently on your skin, leaving a permanent tint on your soul. And on all four sides, just saving the entrance itself, stand mighty tall mountains. They are very far away, yet they appear so big, all covered in snow.”
Sadaat: “I don’t think I want to go there. I didn’t bring my warm clothes, and I don’t like snow.”
Saahir: “Oh don’t worry. The meadow itself is very warm and welcoming. And we are not climbing the mountains anyways. Even if we were, I hear that snow on those mountains is magical. It is cold for those who want it to be cold, and warm and cozy for those who like it that way. But sadly, we are just going to cool our eyes by the river that bisects the meadow dead center.”
Sadaat: “Biscuits?”
Saahir: *Laughing “No! Not biscuits. Bisects. It means dividing into two parts. You see, the river flows in a straight line, dividing the meadow into two hemispheres, sorry, half circles. If you can find a rock or a ledge to stand on, above the river, you see the wild raging river gushing all around you, and as you follow your gaze straight up to the horizon, the river appears to become thinner and thinner and at the end of your gaze, it vanishes into a ditch that shines like a star.”
Sadaat: “But ditches are dark, mother told me.”
Saahir: “Not this one. Have you not figured out yet, that everything in that place is special in its own unique way? Oh and the music and melody that is ambient in that place is simply breathtaking. The sound of the flowing river, the melancholy chimes of soft breeze through the tree leaves, and the beautiful songs of birds and beasts.”
Sadaat: “Beasts? I don’t like animals. They smell and they can also attack.”
Saahir: “Again! No one has ever seen any animal, bird or beast in there. All they hear is their songs that the wind softly delivers to your ears. That is the melody composed by the angels. Trust me, there is nothing in this world that can beat that.”
Sadaat: “It all sounds good, but I think it will become boring very soon. It is just a scenery that you keep looking at. You cannot do it for long. I will get bored.”
Saahir: “But I haven’t even told you about the other side of the river yet. You see, once you take the bridge to the other side, you find yourself in the most illustrious joyland, with rides, and toys and games.”
Sadaat: “I have been to many joylands. But nothing is better than the one in Fortress stadium.”
Saahir: “Is it now? Is the one in fortress stadium made of candy? Because this one is. And if you want, you can eat it all, and no one will say a word. It’s all made especially for you.”
Sadaat: “That is not true. It is not even possible.”
Saahir: “You’ll never know till you get there and see it for yourself.”
Sadaat: “I guess so. Well, now I am excited to see this place. How long till we get there Mr.? And I can’t wait to tell my father all about it”…

Note: Thousands of children go missing every month, many of which are stereotypical kidnappings by strangers. They often lure kids away from their parents using things kids generally like, and once they are out of sight, God only knows what becomes. Please teach your children to stay safe and away from strangers. Prevention is better than the remedy.
Here are some social experiments done by others illustrating the same fact. Have a look. 


P.S. People shown in this picture are actually father and son. This story is not intended to take a shot at them personally, rather, it was a take on the visual scenario created. A kid with an older man, walking on a path that leads to a darker end; and this story popped to mind. Again, no insult or disrespect to the people in the picture was intended. Regards.

This picture was taken by Fakharry Khalid Parvez, an amazing photographer. All rights to this picture are reserved by FKP. and we use his pictures at A Thousand Words after full disclosure and consent. Follow him on Instagram @fakharry


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