A Welcome Note

Hello everyone and welcome to 
|A Thousand Words|

Before we went into properly publishing stuff on this blog, I thought it would be a good idea to write a post explaining what we plan on doing around here.

As you all can see, the blog is named "A Thousand Words". It is a direct extract from the famous proverb "A picture is worth a thousand words". We just picked that idea up and will try and apply it, just like that. Every week (or at least we will try and make it every week), we will select a picture from the galleries of our many awesome photographer friends (with their permission, of course), and write a story around it. 

We have set a few rules and formats for ourselves for the purpose of this blog though. They are as follows:
1. What we write should be roughly around a thousand words. It can be more or it can be less, as per requirement, but it should be somewhere in that vicinity. 
2. It must always be fiction. We are not trying to be critical about the picture. We are not trying to discuss it. We are not scrutinizing it. We are trying to build a short story around that picture, that either physically, or symbolically relates to it. Again. This Is Not An Art Study blog.
3. The fiction we write must be neutral. We don't want to write anything that aggressively tries to push an opinion on the readers. What we want is to create a mildly suggestive, imaginative and fantastic (i.e. fantasy based, not awesome; although it totally can be, but is not implied by the word here :) reading material.

Now that we have the rules, what if I tell you that the proverb we take our name from, cannot be more wrong? A picture is not really worth a thousand words. It is worth a several thousands. Some pictures may even be worth hundreds of thousands of words. But we being frail, weak and limited beings can only say so much. Our words run dry a lot sooner than we'd wish. 

What we will do is that we will write 2 stories per picture then. One in English, and will be captioned in the title as "A Picture's Worth"|"Title of the story". The second one in Urdu, captioned as "The flip side"|"Title of the story". Both versions will be written by different authors, hence will be wildly varied stories.

Currently, for "A Picture's Worth" (i.e. English stories) will be written by Muhammad Abdullah Khalid (me). And for "The Flip Side", Naveed Arshad will be presenting his pieces. We are not professional writers, and don't really have much experience writing. But we are starting here. If we are currently the worst, then the good news is that we can only move up from here. Let's hope this little practice of ours brings maturity in our words. And your constructive criticism will always be the best tool of improvement for us. 

But this doesn't end here. If you find yourself inspired and want to write your own little fiction based on that picture, then you can for sure write it and share it in the comments. If you want a proper post made out of it, then you can send us the story, and if it fits (according to us), we will certainly be happy to make a post, fully giving credit to you and linking it to where ever you want it linked (like your social media, or some other platform you want to bring up). 

In the end, let's all have a good time, enjoy the stories, and learn as much as we can in the process together.
Good Day!


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